This book is co-written by clinical psychologists, Kanaké traditional practitioners and a former hospital director. It presents geographical, demographic, mythical and historical data, before describing the organization of the public health system in New Caledonia. The authors provide a quantitative assessment of public health challenges and present government initiatives, including the Do Kamo-Be Thriving global health plan. The text reviews the efforts made by Caledonian psychologists to integrate the indigenous Kanaké worlds of meaning with modern Western care approaches. Elements of traditional practices in psychological care and personal development from the Kanaké countries of Hoot ma Whaap and Paicî-Camuki are presented. The authors conclude that there is a need to redefine the concept of mental health in New Caledonia and that indigenous Kanaké psychology is essential to promote well-being in the country. They draw attention to its central role in restoring colonial and post-colonial wounds in the archipelago.
Psychologie sur Le Caillou : système de santé publique et tradition autochtone kanake
Grégory Simon, John Dui Goropwojèwé, Yves-Béalo Gony, Gérard Sarda, Marlène Leloutre, Emmanuelle Simon