Publish your manuscript
Do you need Story Me Company? Send your manuscripts to our Reading Committee
Humanities, health, history, biography, autobiography
Novels: thrillers, adventure, fantasy, fantasy, science fiction
Literature, short stories and poetry,
Memories, experiences and testimonies
Children's books

Does your text catch our attention? We support you until the publication and distribution of your book.
1.The publication stages
2.Publication Pack
3.Pre-publication services
4.Post-publication services
5.Our engagements
6.Deposit form
The publication stages
Filing and election of
your manuscript to

Publication contract

Layout and
creation of the
book cover
Validation of the
book model
Publication and
printing at the
request for your book

Publication Pack
Our support
In Summary
Layout of your book, according to our standard publishing standards
OPTIONAL Creating your book cover
Assignment of an ISBN number + deposit at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France
On-demand printing of your work or traditional printing circuit
Selling your book in paper and e-book format on Story Me Company and partners

Pre-publication service
A neat and professional layout: Text arrangement
and pictures
If necessary, writing assistance to improve your text: Proposal for rewriting certain parts without distorting the text
OPTIONAL : Creation of your cover page: personalized, aesthetic and impactful graphics. Cover and illustrations of texts by professional illustrators, designers, photographers, graphic designers. Contact us for a personalized quote according to your wishes for your book.

Post-publication service
Optimal presence of your work in bookstores and internet resellers. Promotion and visibility tools for professional communication. SEO to expand the visibility of your book accompanied by the conversion of your work to e-Pub format. We give visibility to your work by distributing it on online sales platforms in France and the French-speaking world.
Avoid unnecessary printing costs Story Me Company uses a print-on-demand system. Your work is available and printed
only on order, within 8 to 10 days. After market study, the offer can evolve towards a classic printing circuit.
The royalties that you receive on the sales of your work are attractive, in a quality and trusted publishing house. Rights vary depending on the format of the work sold (paper or digital) and the place of distribution (on the Story Me Company site or on a partner site)

Our engagements
• Your manuscripts are protected. After examination, if your work is not selected, it will be completely destroyed by our Reading Committee. No copy of an unpublished manuscript will be retained by our department.
• Professional secrecy applies to our publishing house which receives your work.
Our Books and E-books

A PARAÎTRE L'enfant de la Terre. Maintenir les liens avec les défunts en pays kanaké de Nouvelle-Calédonie
Grégory Simon

Ebook L'enfant de la Terre. Maintenir les liens avec les défunts en pays kanaké de Nouvelle-Calédonie
Grégory Simon

Knut Hamsun

Ebook Psychologie sur Le Caillou. Système de santé publique et tradition autochtone kanaké en Nouvelle-Calédonie
Grégory Simon, John Dui Goropwojèwé, Yves-Béalo Gony, Gérard Sarda, Marlène Leloutre, Emmanuelle Simon

La Faim
Knut Hamsun

Psychologie sur Le Caillou : système de santé publique et tradition autochtone kanaké en Nouvelle-Calédonie
Grégory Simon, John Dui Goropwojèwé, Yves-Béalo Gony, Gérard Sarda, Marlène Leloutre, Emmanuelle Simon

Knut Hamsun
Deposit form
Please complete our submission form below by attaching a computer copy of your text.
We look forward to discovering and studying your work!
Your manualwritten
It is imperative to respect the following criteria:
Your text may be aimed at a child, adolescent or adult readership, specify this youxte sent in formats .doc (word) and PDF.
On the first page, indicate the title of your manuscript, your name, your email,your phone number
Specify the genre of your text and whether it is part of a series you are planning.
Send us a pitch (just a few lines that convey the promise of your novel)
Send us a summary (one page maximum)
If you have already been published, send us your bibliography
We receive your manuscript at: storymecompany@gmail.com
The indication Call for texts SMC2023 must absolutely appear in the subject of your email.

Submitting a manuscript: simple and practical
Accessible to all, our reading committee examines your manuscripts with attention, pleasure and professionalism and responds to you as quickly as possible.
We listen to your needs as an author. We advise and support you throughout the publication of your manuscript. Note that you have the possibility of personalizing your work according to your wishes and your sensitivity.
To submit a manuscript for the attention of our reading committee, please complete the fields below and attach your text in .doc and .pdf format
If you need to communicate with us, do not hesitate to contact us by telephone at (687) 860 222, by email
at storymecompany@gmail.com or using our Contact Form.